
To the web pages of Plymouth Association of Wargamers, a wargames club based in the historic city of Plymouth, on the Devon and Cornwall border in the South West of England.


Originally founded in 1972 as part of Plymouth Model Soldier Society, the Association split off in 1978 when it outgrew the PMSS premises.  Our aims are to provide a venue and equipment for wargamers of all periods, scales and styles, whether they are Board-gamers, Role-Players or traditional Tabletop players.


There are usually four or more meetings each month, year-round competitions in a variety of scales and periods, trips to conventions and competitions elsewhere, and visits to and by other clubs in the region.  Most meetings include at least one game that is open to all comers, giving people a chance to try rules or periods they haven't played before.  There is also our successful PAW series of conventions, usually held on the first weekend of February each year.
There are always plenty of tables for games, and any style of game is welcome. Members play Historical, Fantasy and Science-Fiction games at all levels - Big Battle, Skirmish, or Role-Playing - using a wide variety of scales and sets of rules.


Meetings are usually on each Sunday of the month. They start at 12:00 PM, and finish at 5:00 PM, so there's plenty of time to finish any game!


We currently meet at:

Mainstone Sports and Social Club,
Pattinson Drive,
PL6 8RU.

We look forward to seeing you there one Sunday soon.







Published: 10 February 2011 10 February 2011
Last Updated: 15 November 2022 15 November 2022
Hits: 2607569 2607569