
A quick reminder that the first meeting of the New Year is on January 4th

As the new year starts, we'll be collecting membership fees for 2015.  Mark will be available to register new members on the 4th January, and the rates are the same - £15 waged, £10 unwaged/retired and £8 for under 18s.  You can sign up later if you can't make it on the 4th, so don't panic!

In addition, the weekly hall fee will be increasing by 50p for non members.  So, if you sign up for membership, you'll pay the old rate of £3 (£1.50 under 18).  If you're not a member, it'll now be £4 (£2 under 18)

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New year!

Here's to shiny new Christmas presents making it to the battlefield!

Chris Mason,
Club Chairman

Published: 28 December 2014 28 December 2014
Last Updated: 31 December 2014 31 December 2014
Hits: 723492 723492