
Here are some pictures of some of the Trophy winning games from PAW 2011, which took place over the weekend of February 5th/6th.

Once again, a large number of people worked hard to bring display games of various sorts to the show. We'd like to thank them all for their efforts, and we look forward to seeing next year's games

These are the games that caught the attention of our judges, and the winners of the tournaments.

Special thanks to all the people who supplied the pictures


Paul Buller and Colin Farrant won Best Demonstration Game for their WWII Blitzkrieg game

The Best Participation Game went to Chris Pearce and Paul Jones for their Eat Hitler game

The Warhammer Fantasy tournament was popular again this year, with 26 players. 

The competition uses a seven-round Fast Play format developed by umpire Kevin Shillito

The Warhammer 40K competition was slightly up on last year, with 34 players.  Martin Binns umpired, and the whole competition was played in a friendly and enjoyable style.

This year both of our Ancients competitions once again used Field of Glory rules, umpired by Andy Clarke.  There were some lovely armies on display in both scales, although the 25mm forces seemed to attract the most attention from visitors.

The 25mm Ancients competition was played in that friendly style only possible to players who have known each other for many years. 

This was the third year of our 15mm Ancients competition. 

The Flames of War competition was a little larger this year, with a good range of nicely painted armies in use.  Colin Cavanagh did a sterling job as umpire

Many thanks to all the players who brought games, or took part in the competitions.  We look forward to seeing you again in 2012.

Published: 13 February 2011 13 February 2011
Last Updated: 15 February 2016 15 February 2016
Hits: 147965 147965