
Wargames Competitions have been a popular part of the PAW shows since 2000, and this year was no exception.  

With several new rule sets in play, bringing a wider range of subjects to our tournaments, there were plenty of marvellous models to be seen on the tables. 


The range of periods has increased and the rule sets have changed over the years, but Ancients have always been a part of our competition mix.  In 2016, Field of Glory was once again the rule set chosen for the Ancient period, and there were competitions in both 15mm and 25mm scales.



Bolt Action ran for the first time in 2015, and was back by request of a small but vocal group of players.  That and a willing volunteer to umpire! 





Flames of War is another popular WWII rules set.





Kings of War is new to our show: touted as an alternative to well-established Fantasy battles rule sets, the players all seemed to be enjoying themselves.



Warband is also new for 2016, and is yet another alternative to existing long running Fantasy Battles rules sets.




Warmachine has appeared at previous PAW shows as demonstration and participation games, but 2016 is its first year as an official competition.  Regrettably, I only have a few usable pictures of this event - if anyone has some more pictures they would be happy for PAW to post, please contact our webmaster.



X-Wing Dogfight is another new rules set for 2016.




Warhammer 40K has been part of the PAW tournament offering almost as long as Ancients.




Warhammer Fantasy Battles is another long-running competition at PAW.  Still the best-established Fantasy Battles rule set, there was an excellent turnout.




Written by John Orange John Orange
Published: 10 April 2016 10 April 2016
Last Updated: 10 April 2016 10 April 2016
Hits: 29385 29385