These are the groups that have confirmed the games they are bringing to PAW 2025, as at 25th January, 2025

Name Title or Subject Type Description or Comments
Mathew Sutton-O`Connor 28mm Ancient and Dark Age game Participation Brethren Skirmish Tabletop Wargame Rules
Will Harley The Invasion of Cuba 1762 Participation Paul Robison Fast Play with developments by Will Harley.  The British landing via barges against a contested shoreline, with the Spanish defending. Using my 30mm Spencer Smith figures, ships, barges, redoubts and a fort.
Steve Pearce and John Soper Marston Moor 28mm Demonstration After completely outmanovering the Parliamentarians Prince Rupert plans to attack them as they retreat from York. Will he save the North for the King?
Michael Salt Monsters vs Mecha Participation A casual game using the Mighty Monsters & Samurai Robot Battle Royale rules, where you can play with models of all shapes and sizes.  Be a monster trying to destroy the city, or one of the Robots made to protect it.
Society of Ancients Battle of Meldon Participation Jason Thorn brings the SOA stand, with a 28mm Saxons vs Vikings battle, using the DBA v3.0 rules.
Timotej Velkavrh-Blaževič World War 2 Raids Participation A 15mm game using the 0200 Hours rules
Orlando Murrish Adeptus Titanicus Demonstration Large game using the Adeptus Titanicus rules
Stephen Luscombe Year of Living Dangerously Demonstration Loosely based on the 1982 Mel Gibson film of the same name, set in the politically chaotic Indonesia 1965. Up to 6 factions seek to increase their influence and political power over their rivals.  A 28mm game using the War of Insurgency rules by First Command
 Simon Holland DCLI defending 'Orinoco' at Monte Cassino May 1944 Demonstration D Company, 2nd DCLI attempt to hold the 'Orinoco' bridgehead against German attacks whilst awaiting relief, 11th to 14th May 1944 Italy.  A 15mm game using the Chain of Command rules.
 Laurence Walsh A Raid From the Sea Demonstration A 28mm game using the 0200 Hours WWII rules.
 Tom Lenton and Joe McCarthy  A Song of Ice and Fire Demonstration A 28mm game using the A Song of Ice and Fire rules.
Philip Gough Secure the Crossroads  Demonstration

A 1/100th scale game using the Battlegroup rules.  A small scale engagement aimed at teaching all aspects of the game. 



Several other groups and individuals have expressed an interest in bringing games to the show, and this list will be updated as they confirm the details.