Tournament Games

There were four tournaments at PAW 2025, with over 80 players. Special thanks to the various Umpires, without whom these competitons would not be possible.

Warhammer 40K

A staple at PAW shows since the first competitions we ran in 2000, there were 32 players this year, with a marvellous selection of armies on display. Here are the placings and other awards:

  • 1st place - Cameron Giles
  • 2nd Place - Tom Godfrey
  • 3rd Place - George McCoulough
  • Best Painted - George McCoulough
  • Most Sporting - TBA
  • Wooden Spoon - Jay Court

Kings of War

Fantasy games of one sort or another have also been a popular part of the PAW tournament line-up since 2000, although the exact rule set has changed over the years.

  • 1st Place - Richard Luke
  • 2nd Place - Florence Maunders
  • 3rd Place - Simon Tanner
  • Best Army - Heath Barnes
  • Most Sporting - Andy Marshall
  • Wooden Spoon - Martin Binns

Art de la Guerre 28mm Ancients

This competition had another good turnout in 2025.

The winner was Richard Walker, using Seleucid, second was Harry Williams, with Parthian, and third was Don McHugh with Palmyran.

Field of Glory 15mm Ancients

The 2025 winner was Paul Bartlett, with later Low countries, second was Andy Kitcher with Later Plantagenet English.  Third was Phil Jelley, with Later Polish.