Plymouth Pirates @ P.A.W

Tom, the team from Exploding 8 team would like to welcome you to Plymouth Pirates @ P.A.W

Saturday 1st February- Sunday 2nd February
Plymouth Pirates @ P.A.W is a two-day event holding 5 games of Kings of War at 2300 points. Players will have 1 hour of playing time per game.


Day One

The first day will include the following. Registration will be at 09:00 with game 1 to start from 09:30. There will be 15 minutes before the game for you to move tables and meet your opponent before the game starts.

To ensure the smooth running of the event chess clocks will be used along with a round clock.

 Registration  09:00 - 09:15   Player Time
 Game 1  09:30 - 11:30   2 Hour 
 Game 2  11:45 - 13:45   2 Hour 
 Lunch  13:45 - 14:45  1 Hour
 Game 3  15:00 - 17:00   2 Hour


Day Two

 Registration  09:30 - 09:45   Player Time
 Game 1  09:45 - 11:45  2 Hours
 Lunch  11:45 - 12:45   1 Hour
 Game 2   12:45 - 14:45  2 Hours
 Prize Giving  15:00 - 15:30   30 Minutes


Please note that the schedule may be adjusted on the day.


Scenarios will be rolled ahead of time. Once all lists are in the scenarios will then be made available for all players to read. Please see the scenario table under scoring.

Army Composition

Army lists will be taken from Mantic Companion App (tournament code: YzWtDHXyWa).  Your Army will remain the same throughout the weekend.  The latest RC FAQs will be used alongside the big red book and the Mantic Companion.
Allies ARE NOT permitted, and the withdrawal rule WILL NOT be in play.


This event will use chess clocks. If you do not own a chess clock there are many chess clock apps you could use. The usual time allotted to each player will be 60 minutes. Any player that runs out of the allotted time will not automatically lose. However, they will only be able to issue Halt orders. Their opponent will then continue to play until they finish their turn(s) or time out. Additionally, a round clock will be used for all players, ensuring the event sticks to the advertised schedule as much as possible. Once the round timer expires all games are to cease, results are to be calculated and provided to one of the hosts.

What do you need to bring?

  1. Your 2300-point Army
  2. Tape measure/stick measures
  3. D6 6 six-sided dice only (NO 12-sided D6s)
  4. Two copies of your Army list
  5. Any item/spell cards and tokens needed
  6. A tray or something similar, to carry your Army around on.
  7. Glue
  8. Proxy bases if you have them

Models, Proxy and Painted

Although we don’t want to turn anyone away for unpainted armies, we do ask that you bring a painted army. While we ask that you bring an army of at least 80% Mantic game miniatures, proxies are welcome as long as you make your opponent aware of what the unit is.


This part of the document will outline all terrain heights and types on the tables.
Please do not move or remove any terrain from or on the tables, trees are the only exception to this. If you remove trees for the ease of going through the woods, please make sure to put them back before you leave the table. Treat all parts of the terrain as that piece of terrain including any lips or edges. Table edges are classed as blocking terrain.

  • Rocky outcrops blocking terrain. Height 6
  • Hills. Height 3
  • Wooded area/forest Height 6 Difficult Terrain.
  • Farmed land/field Height (door matt) Height 1 difficult terrain (shooting only)
  • Buildings Height 6 Blocking terrain
  • Ponds/creators Height 0 difficult terrain
  • Rivers Height 0 difficult terrain
  • Pieces of terrain with columns on. Impassable Height 6 No line of sight through.
  • Obstacles walls, hedgerows, fences Height 2 for cover but does not block line of sight.


Plymouth Pirates @ P.A.W will be using the Northern Kings Scoring System.

Games will be based on the following.
Win, Loss, Draw

 Game Outcome   Points Scored
 Win  15 
 Draw   10 
 Lose   5

 Kill Points

Calculate the total value of your opponent’s army that was routed during the game. Compare this total to the table below.

2300 Game Bonus Tournament Points
345-804 1
805-1264 2
1265-1724 3
1725-2184 4
 2185 +  5

Scenario Points (SP)

Calculate the number of Scenario Points (SP) you scored from the scenario at the end of the game. For example; the total objectives you hold at the end of the game in Pillage. Each scenario has its own way of scoring Victory Scenario Points (SP).
For each Scenario Points (SP) earned, add a Tournament Point (TP) to your total to a maximum of +5 Tournament Point (TP)

Scenario Table

Scenario Played How to Score (SP)
Pillage Use 7 Objective Markers. Score one bonus SP for each Objective Marker that you control at the end of the game.
Loot Score two bonus SPs for each Loot counter that you hold at the end of the game
Push Use 2 tokens per player. Score one bonus SP for each loot token you hold at the end of the game (this increases to two if the unit holding it is entirely within your opponent’s board half).
Dominate Score one bonus SP for each scoring unit that has the majority of its footprint within 12” of the centre of the playing area at the end of the game.
Invade Score one bonus SP for each scoring unit that has the majority of its footprint on the opposing player’s half of the board at the end of the game.
Control Score one bonus SP for each zone you control at the end of the game Score an additional +1 SP if you control the middle zone in your opponents half.
Kill Kill will not be used.
Raze Score one bonus SP for each ‘Claimed Objective Marker’ that you scored throughout the game. Score a bonus two SPs if you hold the central Objective Maker at the end of the game.
Plunder Score one bonus SP for each Loot Counter you hold at the end of the game. Score two SPs for each Primary Loot Counter you hold at the end of the game.
Fool’s Gold Score bonus SPs equal to the number of Victory Points you scored at the end of the game.
Smoke & Mirrors Score bonus SPs equal to the number of Victory Points you scored at the end of the game
Salt the Earth Score one bonus SP for each Objective Marker that you control at the end of the game


Competition Entry Tickets

Tickets cost £35.00, and include entry to the rest of the show. They are available on line here

Contact Details

If you have questions about the competition, army lists or rules, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have questions about the show, contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.