Competition Structure

This year's 25mm ADLG competition is a two day, four game competition on the 1st/2nd February 2025, held at the Kitto Centre in Plymouth.

Scale 25mm, 60mm UD, max 200 points. If you have a nice terrain mat you may like to bring it with you, otherwise PAW will supply terrain cloths, players need to bring their own terrain features.

This year's theme is Those Dastardly Romans!  Any army, all lists to be valid 105BCE to 493AD.

The rules used will be as published, with the latest Official Amendments and Clarifications

There will be four 2 hour 45 minute games, two each on Saturday and Sunday:


  • 9:30-12:15
  • 13:15-16:00


  • 9:30-12:15
  • 13:00-15:45

We will endeavour to keep regular opponents apart on the Saturday.

Army lists must reach the umpire, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before January 19th, 2025.

Competition Entry Tickets

Tickets cost £35.00, and include entry to the rest of the show. They are available on line here

Contact Details

If you have questions about the competition, rules or army lists, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by email.

If you have questions about the show, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.